Message from the Chairman and President

As a leading provider of total hair solutions, Aderans has strived to develop and offer product excellence, technical and technological expertise, and sincere services with a strong focus on customers since its establishment in 1968.

At the Aderans Group, the smiles of customers and all stakeholders are the top priority in every decision we make and every action we take. Our mission, and the very reason for our existence, is therefore to bring smiles to people and to enrich their lives across the world through our hair, beauty, and health businesses in the wellness industry.

Under the motto "Everything for a smile," the members of the entire Group work as one to achieve our vision of becoming the Global Brand Aderans, continuing to challenge ourselves within Japan as well as in North America, Europe, and Asia. We will keep pursuing product excellence, technical and technological expertise, and sincere services to embody our values as a good company.

We also place great emphasis on building an integrated production and marketing structure, aiming to spread smiles across the world and to address all customer needs. Our efforts also extend to serving local communities, offering services tailored to local cultures and needs by leveraging the strengths of the Aderans Group. Ensuring rewarding work environments is another key area of focus, enabling each employee to grow with a sense of fulfillment and enjoy working together with a smile.

We are committed to continuing our united efforts as the entire Group to achieve further growth. We appreciate your constant support and guidance, and look forward to working together with you.

Nobuo Nemoto
Representative Director, Chairman

Hiromasa Suzuki
Group CEO, Representative Director, President
Aderans Co., Ltd.
