Collaborating with TBM, the Company Offering LIMEX—an Alternative to Plastic and Paper Made Mainly from Limestone
Aderans has started collaboration with TBM (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Chief Executive Officer: Nobuyoshi Yamasaki), the company that develops, manufactures, and distributes an environmentally friendly material LIMEX, to help build a sustainable society.

Launching Ecocert-Certified Organic Products
SCALP GUARD Orgarich, which we launched in 2016, is a product series certified by Ecocert, an organization offering global standards for organic products. We use environmentally friendly materials both for the product ingredients and for packaging, without any genetically modified plant-based ingredients, aiming to help build a circular society. (*The products are no longer available.)

Introducing Water-Saving Shower Heads
We have introduced water-saving shower heads at salons, offering barbering and hairstyling services, to reduce water usage as well as CO2 emissions associated with water heating.
With these new shower heads, we can not only reduce water usage but also remove chlorine by adding vitamin C to the cartridges, making water gentle to customers' scalps and employees' hands.
As of August 2022, these shower heads were available at over 180 salons across Japan. In addition to the remarkable water efficiency, they have also reduced the time required for rinsing.

Energy Saving at Salons, Shops, and Offices
To help address nationwide power shortages caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and other reasons, the Aderans Group members across Japan have worked together to further save energy. Some examples include partially turning the lights off, adjusting the time to use air conditioning, and promoting "cool biz" (setting room temperatures around 28 degrees Celsius) in our offices.
We have also put up posters everywhere, calling on employees to turn off the lights during lunch break and in areas not being used, as part of the Group-wide efforts to reduce power usage.
Using LED Lighting in Salons and Shops
At our ladies' salons, we have been introducing a Style Museum, where a variety of wigs are presented to help customers find their ideal hairstyles.
We also strive to minimize the environmental impact of our salons and shops by reducing power consumption, such as introduction of LED lighting at new and renovated salons and shops.

Mold Making System with 3D Scanners
Introduction of the new mold making system has enabled us to reduce the use of fitting materials. It has also helped reduce energy usage because we no longer need domestic and international shipping of fitting materials. Through these changes, the system has helped us become more environmentally friendly.