The Aderans Group promotes research on various themes through industry-academia collaboration with universities and research institutions, pursuing new insights into hair-related studies. We apply the results of research on hair and hair growth, based on academic advice and supporting data, to expand the circle of happiness around our customers.
Launching a Joint Effort to Develop Novel Hair Materials for a Sustainable Society, Utilizing Spiber's Proprietary Structural Proteins
Aderans and Spiber (Head office: Tsuruoka City, Yamagata; Director and Representative Executive Officer: Kazuhide Sekiyama) have launched a joint research effort to develop novel hair materials using proprietary structural proteins developed by Spiber, the company striving to commercialize these materials.
Structural proteins have attracted interest as sustainable next-generation core materials. Spiber has been devoted to commercializing these materials to fulfill its mission: to offer solutions to global challenges.
While the innovative use of structural protein materials was our shared goal, what truly made this collaboration possible was more fundamental passion we share: to contribute to people's happiness and joy in a true sense.
Petroleum, which is used as a raw material of artificial hair, is an exhaustible resource. Looking ahead to the next 100 years, we will continue to create hair materials that will be new alternatives not dependent on exhaustible resources.
Presenting Research Findings on the Analysis of Minerals in Hair at the 8th International Symposium on Metallomics (ISM-8)
At the ISM-8 in July 2022, we presented research findings on the analysis of minerals in hair.
On July 12 during the symposium, Hiroaki Kitamura from Aderans (Researcher and Leader, R&D Department) gave a poster presentation titled "Challenges in measuring minerals in hair as a health indicator," sharing the results of research conducted by the company on the analysis of minerals in hair.
Presenting the Discovery of Distinctive Proteins in Alopecia Patients at the 12th World Congress for Hair Research (WCHR 2022)
At the WCHR 2022 in November 2022, we presented the successful identification of distinctive proteins in alopecia patients by using the technology to conduct the proteome analysis of hair.
We have worked to develop a technology that enables us to extract and analyze various components of hair, such as minerals and amino acids, in an accurate and efficient manner. By combining this technology and deep learning, which has been showing remarkable progress in recent years, we have established the proteome analysis of hair, a method of detecting numerous proteins contained in hair. Through this research using the proteome analysis of hair to find key proteins in alopecia, we were able to discover TGM3 as a potential substance.
Joining the Hair Diagnostic Consortium as a Managing Organization
In December 2017, Aderans joined the Hair Diagnostic Consortium as a managing organization. The Consortium is a joint research project, planned and proposed by RIKEN, which took place from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2020. Building upon this project, we currently promote research and development of measurement equipment and the advancement of measurement methods in the fields of health maintenance, disease prevention, and diagnosis.

Oita University: Preventing Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia
Since November 2013, we have been working together with a leading cancer researcher Professor Masafumi Inomata (Department of Gastroenterological and Pediatric Surgery, Oita University) in joint research on the prevention of chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA). Also, in 2022, National University Corporation Oita University and Aderans established an endowed chair Department of Advanced Medical Research and Development for Cancer and Hair [Aderans], focusing on the prevention of hair loss as a side effect of chemotherapy and on hair regrowth.
Tokyo Institute of Technology: Making Artificial Hair More Beautiful and Natural
Since the conclusion of an academic agreement in December 2014, we have been collaborating with Professor Takeshi Kikutani (School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology) in joint research on artificial hair. Dr. Kikutani is a world-renowned expert in fiber science and polymer processing.
Aderans' Research Presentation on New Artificial Hair
Receiving the Best Paper Award in Textile Materials
Our research presentation received the Best Paper Award in Textile Materials at the 14th Asian Textile Conference in June 2017. The presentation introduced the achievement of light reflection properties (shine) close to human hair, as well as the strength and hardness required for artificial hair for wigs, by optimizing the manufacturing conditions of conjugated fibers. The Asian Textile Conference is a forum to present the latest study results on fibers and textiles. It is held every two years as a platform to help professional development of scientists and researchers in the field across the world.

Cosponsoring Academic Conferences and Organizing Seminars on Hair
We support many academic societies by cosponsoring their research conferences related to hair and organizing seminars there. Examples of these organizations include the Society for Nursing Science and Engineering, Japan Society of Clinical Hair Restoration, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing, the Japanese Dermatological Association, the Society for Hair Science Research, and the International Federation of Hair Research Societies.

(October 2018, Chiba)