Support for Cancer Patients, Survivors, and More

The Aderans Group promotes various activities in Japan and worldwide to realize a society where everyone, including people living with cancer, can enjoy a fulfilling life with a smile.

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    This page also includes information on our past activities.

Receiving an Award in the Health Management Category of the 5th Good Standing Company Awards

In March 2020, we received an award in the Health Management category of the 5th Good Standing Company Award for our initiatives on cancer, such as the establishment of the "Rules on Employment Support for People Affected by Cancer." The award was presented by the General Foundation Japan Next Generation Enterprise Promotion Organization (Representative Director: Masayoshi Gomita; also known as White Foundation), which develops a clean enterprise certification system.

Receiving an Award in the Health Management Category of the 5th Good Standing Company Awards

Supporting the Healthcare Academy for Cancer Survivors

We support the Healthcare Academy hosted by Cancer Fitness, a general association engaging in activities such as support for physical fitness and self-management after cancer treatments. Under the slogan "Let's exercise when you have cancer," they hold a variety of exercise classes for cancer patients. The organization also hosts the Healthcare Academy, where participants learn how to manage their health to improve the quality of their lives after treatment.

Supporting the Healthcare Academy for Cancer Survivors

Supporting the Pink Ribbon Campaign

We support the Pink Ribbon Campaign that conveys the importance of early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer. In addition to distributing the Pink Ribbon badge to those who participated in a seminar on appropriate services in medical care, we have set up the "Pink Ribbon Mark" stand at the reception desks of all sales offices in an effort to raise employee awareness. In 2019, we participated in the Pink Ribbon Smile Walk held in Tokyo for the 9th time.

Offering Wig Maintenance Support Service at the One World Project

We supported the activities of the One World Project, an organization that provides medical wigs and other care products to cancer patients affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Leveraging our expertise and skills in wigs and hairstyling, we helped maintain the wigs donated by the organization so that people could use them comfortably for a long time.
The support was initially scheduled to end in June 2019 but extended to June 30, 2021, the 10th anniversary of the Earthquake, in response to the organization's request.

Supporting the Pink Ribbon Hostel Network

We have supported the Pink Ribbon Hostel Network since it was established in July 2012. The Pink Ribbon Hostel Network was founded to help cancer patients truly enjoy staying at hotels, including bathing, without worrying about how others see them. At our in-hospital salons across Japan, we distribute free booklets published by the Network.

Supporting the Pink Ribbon Hostel Network

Receiving the Encouragement Award from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for Excellent Programs to Help Cancer Patients Balance Treatment and Work

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government selects companies with excellent programs to help cancer patients balance treatment and work. In this program, Aderans received the Encouragement Award for our efforts in the area, such as offering a clear support process for employees with cancer and having no employees leaving the company due to cancer.

(US) Breast Cancer Walk

We participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, an event hosted by the American Cancer Society. The members walked alongside people who are fighting for a cure and raising awareness of breast cancer, including cancer survivors, patients, their caregivers and families, and other supporters.

(US) Donation to the American Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Since 2014, Bosley has donated money to the American Breast Cancer Foundation. In 2015, they revised the program to increase employees' motivation by changing the donation scheme, from a fixed amount to the amount based on sales in October, the Pink Ribbon month. Various activities are also organized to raise employee awareness during the program, such as decorating the office in pink and posting the amount of money being raised on computers. To date, the company has donated over $250,000 to the foundation.

(US) Donation to the American Breast Cancer Research Foundation (2022)

(US) Wig Donation to Support Organizations

In the U.S., a number of non-profit organizations support patients who need wigs due to cancer treatment and other reasons. Aderans Hair Goods has supported their activities by providing wigs for patients who cannot afford them. The company has continued this support for a decade, leveraging its strength as a wig manufacturer. In 2018, the company provided about 1,800 wigs to six organizations.

(US) Supporting Look Good Feel Better

Look Good Feel Better is an organization that supports female cancer patients by providing free beauty techniques to improve their appearance affected by treatment. To date, the organization has supported 2 million people in 27 countries. Aderans Hair Goods has provided about $8,000 worth of wigs to this program as items to improve their quality of life.

(UK) Supporting My New Hair

Aderans UK supports the activities of My New Hair, a charity organization founded by Trevor Sorbie MBE, a renowned hairdresser and global icon. The company also provides practice wigs and technical guidance to hairstylists to help them support people suffering from hair loss caused by cancer treatment and other reasons.

(UK) Supporting My New Hair

(Benelux) Establishing the Stitching Nu Jij Foundation to Support Cancer Patients and Their Families

Lenny Van Zundato, the shop manager of Aderans Benelux Francie Hair Boutique, established the Stichting Nu Jij Foundation to support cancer patients based on her own cancer experience. Aderans Benelux is supporting its activities as well. For example, the company organizes various events on weekends, attracting 120 patients aged 18 to 40.

(Benelux) Establishing the Stitching Nu Jij Foundation to Support Cancer Patients and Their Families

(Thailand) Donating Wigs to Hospitals in Thailand

At Aderans Thai, one of the Aderans Group's production bases, we started donating wigs to hospitals and other facilities in 2012. Wig prototypes made at the factories had been discarded for operational reasons, but we decided to donate them in 2012 to make them useful. We have provided 2,294 pieces of wigs since the beginning of the program, including 270 pieces in 2017, 270 pieces in 2018, and a total of 130 pieces in 2019 to three hospitals. In 2017, we also started offering wigs made at World Quality. The wig donation, which had initially started in Bangkok, also expanded to hospitals in Buriram, where the company's factory is located.

Other Support Activities

  • Cooperating in the Palliative Cancer Care Research Seminar

  • Hair and makeup workshop in palliative care (Sophia University)

Hair and makeup workshop in palliative care