Building a Society Where No One Is Left Behind

Joining Alopecia STAND UP! 2023, an Event to Raise Awareness of Hair Loss

On September 23, 2023, Aderans took part in Alopecia STAND UP! 2023, a fun event hosted by a non-profit organization Alopecia Style Project Japan (ASPJ) to raise awareness of hair loss and hair-pulling disorder caused by various reasons. In the event, we participated in the Alopecia Parade, hosted a fashion show introducing our wigs, and invited visitors to try wigs on.

Joining Alopecia STAND UP! 2023, an Event to Raise Awareness of Hair Loss

(Thailand) Donating Unused Calendars to Support an Organization for People with Visual Impairments

Since 2022, Aderans Thai has been supporting an organization for people with visual impairments in the country by collecting and donating unused desk calendars, which will be used to make braille teaching materials.

(Thailand) Donating Unused Calendars to Support an Organization for People with Visual Impairments

(Laos) Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities

Lao Quality (LQC), an Aderans Group member in Laos mainly producing and exporting custom-made wigs, has been working together with Lao Disabled Womens Development Center to provide hair ventilation skills training for women with disabilities, women who have a family member with a disability, as well as women in poverty who are socially and economically disadvantaged.
In Laos, most private companies have yet to work on employment of people with disabilities. It is therefore extremely meaningful, both for our company and for the local community, that a member of the Aderans Group takes the initiative in this area to train them, to build an enabling work environment for them, and to promote their employment.

Hosting the BLINDMAKE Seminar to Support Caremake Association

We hosted the BLINDMAKE seminar in June 2019, offering an opportunity for people with visual impairments to learn how to apply makeup on their own. The event was held to show our support for the philosophy of Caremake Association.
The Association strives to establish and promote a ""care makeup"" model, that can be practiced by people in the welfare field such as those who are old, have dementia, have disabilities, and have illness.

Developing the BLINDMAKE UD Palette, a Universally Designed Makeup Palette Proposed by a Person with a Visual Impairment

While Aderans has been committed to appearance care for patients through the development of medical wigs, we have also realized that people with visual impairments face challenges in appearance care as well. Many of them are hesitant to go out and meet people, or even feeling depressed. To support them through makeup, we have launched a universally designed makeup palette "BLINDMAKE UD Palette." For commercialization, we developed the product in collaboration with people with visual impairments who are promoting BLINDMAKE at the Caremake Association.

Developing the BLINDMAKE UD Palette, a Universally Designed Makeup Palette Proposed by a Person with a Visual Impairment

Supporting People with Disabilities Through Art

We support artistic activities of people with disabilities to help promote their financial independence and social participation, aiming to build an inclusive society that embraces diversity.
As the first step of our support, we started featuring an artwork by a person with a disability on the cover of our CSR Communication Report in 2021.
In 2022, we expanded collaborative work on disability art beyond the CSR Communication Report, including free gifts for customers and our 2023 corporate calendar.

Ms. Chiemi Muraki (right), the winner of the Aderans Award at the 2023 Para Art Tokyo

(Thailand) Installing Welfare Support Vending Machines

At World Quality, we have installed vending machines to support children suffering from poverty and disabilities. We donate part of their sales to a local school for children with visual impairments and to support children who cannot receive education.

(Thailand) Installing Welfare Support Vending Machines

(Taiwan) Offering Free Haircuts at Facilities for People with Disabilities

At Aderans Taiwan, staff members visit facilities for people with disabilities to offer free haircuts. In this activity, which started in 2012 to address a request by a volunteer organization, we offer the service once a week in Kaohsiung City. In 2015, we expanded it to Keelung City, responding to a request from a local beauty salon owner.
