Steps Toward a Sustainable Society

Reducing Human Hair Usage with Artificial Hair

Human hair had been used for almost all custom-made wigs, but ethical issues had sometimes been raised on its procurement methods. To ensure the stable supply of hair, the Aderans Group started research on artificial hair in 1983 and have successfully developed artificial fibers with quality comparable to human hair. Since 1991, we have been offering various artificial hair fibers such as Cyberhair, Vital Hair, and CYBER X.

Reducing Human Hair Usage with Artificial Hair

Successfully Developing the Third-Generation Functional Artificial Hair

In October 2022, we launched a new functional artificial hair fiber CYBER X, which had been developed through about 15 years of joint research with Dr. Takeshi Kikutani (Specially Appointed Professor, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology), a world-renowned expert in fiber science and our academic adviser. We have recreated the shine just like natural hair by finishing the product with a sea-island structure composed of polyamide and polyester. By advancing the technology to reduce shine through the sea-island structure, we have also successfully reduced waste from the secondary processing.

Successfully Developing the Third-Generation Functional Artificial Hair

Commitment to the United Nations Global Compact

In April 2014, the Aderans Group signed the UN Global Compact and was registered as a participating company.
As a global company that supports the aims of the UN Global Compact and broadly contributes to society, the Aderans Group is committed to leveraging its strengths to help address social issues, striving to help build a sustainable society.

Joining the United Nations Global Compact