Aiming to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Credo: Our Customer Service Policy

In 2009, Aderans employees took the initiative in defining customer satisfaction, based on which they created the company's credo to help employees have common understanding and act toward the shared goals. A credo is the underlying statement of beliefs, ambitions, and promises that guides decisions and actions. Aderans employees always carry the credo with them and strive to put the company's management philosophy and credo into practice.

The credo aims to help all employees have common understanding and act toward the shared goals.
It was created by a group of Aderans employees who took the initiative in defining customer satisfaction,
aiming to put the company's management policy into action.

The credo, initially created in Japan, has also expanded to the Aderans Group members across the world. Our founding spirit of Customer First extends globally to put smiles on customers' faces.

Credo: (US) HairClub
Credo: (US) Bosley
Credo: Aderans Benelux

Aderans University

In July 2022, we launched Aderans University, a self-directed e-learning program for Aderans employees, to help them grow and fulfill their potential. Opportunities for training and skill improvement are offered on a regular basis to develop employees' leadership skills and expertise. By creating an enabling environment for employees to truly experience personal growth, we are building the culture where they can grow together.

Technical Meister System

We have introduced a system to train Technical Meisters to improve customer satisfaction when delivering new products. By embedding this system in the company and providing Technical Meisters' top-quality services, we strive to improve customer retention through customer satisfaction.

(Benelux) Offering Specialist Training

Aderans Benelux provides wig specialist training as the leading company in the hair and hairstyling fields equipped with the latest techniques. The company offers different courses according to students' skill levels: The basic course is for beginners to prepare for careers in the fields, and the advanced course is for experienced stylists to learn a variety of the latest knowledge and cutting/styling techniques.

Improving Products for Customers: Examples

The First Antibacterial Processing for Wigs
In 2013, we introduced the antibacterial base net for medical wigs, which can prevent the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae and other highly infectious bacteria.

Seminar on Appropriate Services in Medical Care

To ensure proper service by all staff who serve customers in need of a medical wig, we require them to attend a medical care seminar by outside experts. To date, a total of 1,274 employees have taken this training by the cancer patient service provider VOL-NEXT. (As of December 2023)

Acquiring ISO 9001 Certification

Aderans Thai, our main production base, acquired ISO 9001 certification (an international standard for quality management) in 1999 to ensure stable quality of our products.

The Thai factory, our main production base