Company Profile

Company Name Aderans Company Limited
Link to Corporate Profile (PDF)
Established March 1, 1969
Paid-in Capital ¥100 million
Head Office Shinagawa Seaside Canal Tower 4-12-6, Higashi Shinagawa,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-0002, Japan
Representatives Nobuo Nemoto, Founder, Representative Director, Chairman
Hiromasa Suzuki, Group CEO, Representative Director, President
Main Business Hair-related business, beauty and health business, control and management of business activities undertaken by subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of Employees 6,466 (As of February 29, 2024)
Consolidated Net Sales 86,651 million (Year ended February 29, 2024)
Number of Subsidiaries 60 companies in 18 countries and regions (as of February 28, 2025)
Access Map
Link to Access Map (PDF)